Edward's Kiss, Chillin' Girls since 1901, I love Edward, This is your brain on Twilight and Bite me... all in Vampire Ice Flavor (very cool feeling and smooth).
And I got some Werewolf too. I love Jacob and Imprinted for Life. In Werewolf Fire Flavor (very hot feeling and rougher than most glosses)
This sells for $5 at a lot of boutiques (and is always sold out). I have been trying to get this for my daughter since Christmas and the one boutique that carries it, has been out since then. I haven't seen anywhere else. I will sell it for $3 each, or 4 for $10. This will be at the Craft Fair on Saturday. If I sell out, I will backorder it and get it in a few weeks.
More pictures coming soon.
Those turned out really cute. So glad I could come and help!
Yes... thank you so much for coming to help today. It was a riot! And so good to see you.
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