Wednesday, June 24

My First Craft Fair

My first show was a bust. It was an outside Craft Fair. The wind blew and blew and we were rained out by noon. Most people stayed home. The set up was horrible. I paid for a front row booth and most of the other "front row" booths stayed home, so people were actually parking next to my booth. There was only 2 of us on a row of about 10 booths and most went to the inside rows (booths on both sides). And there really wasn't many people there. I made some money, made very good contacts, learned a lot and am now ready for my next show. I will also be opening up my Etsy shop. I will start posting info about each item this week.

I will also have a drawing for everyone that is a follower and there will be a nice prize each week, starting Monday, June 29th.

You can see some of the items I took to my craft fair below.

My Duckie Diaper Cake
Crocheted Headbands

Weaved Headbands (talk of the craft show).
I have actually been hired to teach someone how to make them.

Beaded Pens
Look for more to follow...
And the coming soon... Great projects are being made!

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