Wednesday, June 24

My First Craft Fair

My first show was a bust. It was an outside Craft Fair. The wind blew and blew and we were rained out by noon. Most people stayed home. The set up was horrible. I paid for a front row booth and most of the other "front row" booths stayed home, so people were actually parking next to my booth. There was only 2 of us on a row of about 10 booths and most went to the inside rows (booths on both sides). And there really wasn't many people there. I made some money, made very good contacts, learned a lot and am now ready for my next show. I will also be opening up my Etsy shop. I will start posting info about each item this week.

I will also have a drawing for everyone that is a follower and there will be a nice prize each week, starting Monday, June 29th.

You can see some of the items I took to my craft fair below.

My Duckie Diaper Cake
Crocheted Headbands

Weaved Headbands (talk of the craft show).
I have actually been hired to teach someone how to make them.

Beaded Pens
Look for more to follow...
And the coming soon... Great projects are being made!

Thursday, June 18

Twilight Lip Gloss and more

It came today! Twilight LipGloss...
Edward's Kiss, Chillin' Girls since 1901, I love Edward, This is your brain on Twilight and Bite me... all in Vampire Ice Flavor (very cool feeling and smooth).

And I got some Werewolf too. I love Jacob and Imprinted for Life. In Werewolf Fire Flavor (very hot feeling and rougher than most glosses)
This sells for $5 at a lot of boutiques (and is always sold out). I have been trying to get this for my daughter since Christmas and the one boutique that carries it, has been out since then. I haven't seen anywhere else. I will sell it for $3 each, or 4 for $10. This will be at the Craft Fair on Saturday. If I sell out, I will backorder it and get it in a few weeks.

Here are some of the flower clippies I will have. Prices will vary from $1 to $5.
More pictures coming soon.


Headbands, Headbands and more headbands...

I have many headbands. They will all be for sale on Saturday. There is plenty to chose from. After that, they will be listed for sale on Etsy or Ebay.
Pricing (subject to change)
4 Strand Weaved Headbands $4
5+ Strand Weaved Headbands $5
Braided Headbands $5

Wednesday, June 17

A taste of Twilight

Did you ever wonder what Edward's kiss would taste like?


What kissing Jacob must feel like?

Come find out the answer on Saturday, for as long as they last.

Wednesday, June 10

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My items are in a Craft Fair/Swap Meet

Saturday, June 20, 2009

8 am to 2 pm

At the Largest Craft Yard Sale in South County
Payson High School South Parking Lot

I am going to have a contest in the mean time. You can look at my pictures (including what I add later this week) and tell me what your favorites are. If you become a follower, you get 10 more entries (counts for the few followers I have right now). I will announce the winner on Friday, June 19th (drawn by You have the chance to win your choice of 2 different prizes. A Handweaved Headband or a set of bows (in your choice of colors). Leave a comment to enter.

Tuesday, June 2

Setting up my Craft Room

I have moved.

I am getting my design studio ready.

I am very excited about things to come.


Can't wait!

My Creations